Monday, November 19, 2007

Home Ownership

I bought a house. Let me tell you that buying the house was the easy part. I sat at a conference table in a room designed by Mr. 1975 with 6 people I didn't know, my parents and signed. It took about 20 minutes. My hand didn't cramp as some may have expected and all the important papers were nicely tucked into a hot pink non-flame resistant, non-water resistant folder held closed by velcro. The cute little old man that lived in the house for 41 years gleefully gave the me the keys and we all skipped along our merry way like a deleted scene from Billy Madison.

The tough part was the painting (edging sucks), carpet removal (freaking staples), cabinet removal (damn old paint) and acquiring furniture. It's still sinking in that I own a house. A whole house.


  1. Wow! Huge stuff. Can't wait to see before/after photos. But no pressure ;)

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