**This party took place at the
Roberts Community Center Park. It is a small park behind a great community center. This park is in the middle of the Allendale neighborhood. The center has a ton of adult programming and after school kid programs too. This was the best little park to have a first birthday party. The park is fenced in and there is a huge pavilion right next to it. And a huge field for kids to run. Lydia used to love this park when she was little and it was less than a mile from our old house. Go check it out!
Addition made 4/7/2014
At her kitchen from her grandparents |
Lydia had a great time at her birthday party! She enjoyed all her friends and family. When I was a kid I clearly remember my mom explaining to me that no one else on the planet was obligated to get me anything, therefore I should always say "thank you" because someone was kind enough to remember me. This simple philosophy, more than likely a momentary reminder before entering someone's home, has shaped my understanding of thankfulness tremendously. It is always so special to me that I have been remembered in whatever gesture whether it's the grocery clerk asking me how my cookies turned out last week, my closest of friend bringing me leftovers that she knows we will enjoy or a quick text from someone asking how my day was.
The abundance of thankfulness over this weekend is breathing life into an otherwise average, in some ways frustrating Monday. There is something about personal appreciation versus now as a mom, the appreciation on behalf of my child.
Eliot looked at me on Friday (Lydia's actual birthday) and said: "One year down, the rest of our lives to go!" I am not sure I said anything other than smile. We have survived our first year of parenting. We have made it through the flashes of initial fears from the first time she slept in her own bed to the first steps she made in our living room. We have survived seeing her fall, having a stuffy nose and scream in pain of a new tooth. We have seen her play with friends, try new foods, and squeal with joy on the swing. Together with each day we have woven the fabric of our family. Thankfulness. I am so profoundly thankful for the life that I have.
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