Monday, March 24, 2008

Snack King

Considering the United States is the king of fast food and consumerism you would have thought that we would have thought of inventing the Snack King. The Snack King is simply the most genuis invention of the Dutch. These charming restaurants(using the term loosely) are located in the heart of the nightlife. So whether you are pub jumping, club hopping or coffee shop touring, you can end you night at the Snack King. It is a multipurpose fast food stop. Your wasted and need a slice of greasy pizza or perhaps a giant hotdog...burrito...falfel, stop at the Snack King. Let's say your dehydrated from shaking that ass and you would like a gatorade...water...fruit smoothie, stop at the Snack King. If you have the mad munchies but you and your crew can't decide between ice cream cones, lattes or french fries, stop at the Snack King. It is the greatest invention. This is the after hours savor. God bless the Snack King and all its wise servants. Stumble buy one today.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, munchies in Amsterdam.....glad to see you're having fun!!!!

