It has been a while since I have blogged appropriately. Life has been a little busy but luckily by BFF's went on a family trip to NYC and left me their palace for supervision with 3 mighty watch dogs. It was lovely to have a beautiful fairly lazy weekend. BKay and I decided to have lunch at a St. Pete treasure, The Fourth Street Shrimp Store. This place has been around as long as I can remember and as a child it looked so cool because of all its whimsical signs. I

We then decided that it had been awhile since we went to the beach and pretended that we were tourists. It doesn't take much really. You look at some fake shells and chuckle at the crude postcards with naked old
people on them, what better place to do that than John's Pass. Filled with bad beach shops, greasy food and at least a dozen ice cream places line the concaved area of the inner coastal for casino boats to head out to the international waters. Since we had no real intention of purchasing a fake alligator we stumbled across JJ's Italian Ice. There was little to no decision making in this process even though the selection was insane, due to of course romanticized ideas of going to the beach for ice cream, it was the only one in the lot that accepted check cards. Luckily for us that afternoon delight was just that, delightful.