Wednesday, April 28, 2010
If I had a craving...
The truth of the situation is that I haven't had any real cravings and I can't seem to gain enough weight (first time in my life ever!) I am still at my pre-preggers weight which I guess is another fantasy all together. My body has changed but the weight hasn't. A blessing surely...but as with most things in life there are always things to worry about. Not gaining enough weight can be problematic for the baby just as much as gaining too much can be as well. Tomorrow we will see!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
20 Weeks Today!
Today the baby is a cantaloupe. I am not sure it looks like a cantaloupe inside of me. I definitely have a bump which I am really thrilled about. But I am fairly sure that at some point in life I have taken a cantaloupe and stuck it under my t-shirt and looked longingly into the future and it certainly did not look like I do now, which I suppose is a blessing.

It turns out that April 29th is my sonogram appointment, I had been thinking it was April 27th. I can barely hold myself together. I can't wait to see the baby again! God willing, everything will be good news and gender revealing!
We have been in a multi-phased program (designed by us) to create the adequate amount of space for the baby. Phase 1 was dishwasher and kitchen remodel: done. Phase 2 was packing up our 15 boxes of books and placing them in a newly wooded attic: done. Phase 3 is the garage reorganization. Phase 4 is moving spare bedroom furniture into garage. Phase 5 is paving the patio (not really baby related but I think it will add a sense of whimsy to my summer!) and Phase 6 is painting the baby room, placing the furniture in it and nurserying the place up! We are currently in Phase 3.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Onion Bras
In the meantime, I am suffering from maternity bra woes. My chest, already a generous size from the Big Guy up above, are clearly in preparation for providing nutrients to my future offspring. For the record, it was just a couple of days ago that I could not fit in my regular bras well any more. In preparation for this event, I had been shopping, searching, and ultimately dreaming about the right type of pregnancy undergarment. First, Motherhood has a monopoly on this industry. They own Pea in a Pod, Destination Maternity, and even brand domination of "Oh Baby," and "Loved." They are also the main distributors for Kohls, Macy's, and Sears. As the search begins, this kernel of wisdom is apparent. There is nowhere to run. Second, once I have realized my limits. I am quickly disappointed by the selection. I do not normally wear bras with padding because I have no need. Almost 80% of the bras have padding. I normally wear bras with an underwire because I need to. Almost 17% of the bras do not have underwire. There is only one! One bra that they carry that fits the description and it only comes in a weird cream color, which I purchased because I have no other choice. In the hopes of being open minded, I also picked up a padded black bra, choosing underwire over no underwire. It will work. But the thing is that my chest looks bigger than it already feels and as many of you moms out there know, this is one time that you really don't want to feel any bigger.
Your body is changing and though there is a rational understanding of why and every ounce of thrill and excitement only serves to help this understanding there still is a societal standard that is so deeply embedded in the female psyche that does not simply fade away during this amazing time of life. It just doesn't. It's sad really that body image woes even cross our minds in these 9 months knowing that the most fantastic thing is going to be the result, but the truth is that it does. The awkward stages where you don't quite look pregnant and those that do not know you well or not at all will glance over at you and probably think you are just getting fat. It hurts the ego just a little.
You compound this with the inability to find a bra that feels right and the overwhelming smell of onions on a glum gray day, and well you just want to roll back into bed for another 8 hours of deep sleep. Luckily, the clouds have faded away and sun has begun to shine.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Week 19: Almost 5 MONTHS!

I digress. I am almost 5 months into my pregnancy. My baby is the size of a mango. I get this information weekly from the IPhone apps that I have. What I question about thes

Being pregnant has been great. I really have enjoyed it thus far and have little to complain about. The one overwhelming, unshakable, bizarrely indescribable thing about being pregnant is the cognitive recognition that you have a real life inside of you. A person is just hanging out inside of you. There are moments that I wish I had his or her number or email so I could be sure that they are doing well in there. Any day now, according to the literature, I should be feeling movements. A flutter. A tap. That will be nice. A physical: "Hey Mom! All clear!"