Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Birthing Class Night 1

We attended our first Birthing Class at Bayfront Baby Place. As a normal class of any sort, there is the get to know you period. All first time baby people, with plenty of nerves and questions about the process. Several nervous dads to be and moms to be worried about pain seemingly normal concerns overall. A very kind and knowledgeable teacher shared some must knows such as how to time contractions, how to understand the contraction, and when to high tail it to the hospital. The earnest information of waiting at home as long as possible and being sure to get a snack or ten before checking in because the hospital won't feed you until the baby is out. All good stuff.

Then we started on the nitty gritty. Labor. The process. The stages. The phases. Did you know there are three phases to the first stage of the process of labor? Who knew! Contractions begin slowly and get more intense as the dilation furthers. The contractions get stronger as you get to what is called politely the transition phase but could be also understood as def-con 4 or go time or holy crap there is baby coming out! The video was a real treat. My cervix will be like one of those silly bands...thin and all funny for bit.

Giggly like school children Eliot and I looked at each other with knowing astonishment. Thank goodness I married my best friend. Two peas in a pod about to be three. Wowzer!

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