Friday, September 3, 2010

About Face--Effaced!

The Gaurkee family went to the midwives on Wednesday. It was our second weekly appointment marking our official 38th week of pregnancy. I like how I use the plural, so to include Eliot. All vitals were good. I am progressing well and she said that my cervix was thinning and that Baby Girl was 60% effaced! At that point there was no dilation. Though, this news was exciting in the land of labor it means very little. It could still take a couple of weeks, my dad put his money on Sept. 13th, or it literally could be any day now. I was thinking it was going to be about a week early...don't know why, just a thought.

The waddling has become very pronounced. It's become a little difficult to lay on my back in any position because the weight of the baby crushes my lungs and I find myself out of breath. It's a little hard to sit on a hard surface chair for an extended period of time. Somehow, though I still feel pretty good. I have felt a few more contractions, small but insignificant. The car seat is strapped, the bag is packed, it's on like donkey kong...not sure I know what that means...

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